Sponsors 4 ur Podcast?
We have sponsors who would LOVE to get behind your podcast. They wont be paying, for various really good reasons, but they are so happy for you to include their ad on your show to make your podcast sound like someone asked for it.
To accept a sponsorship offer and get the audio file for your podcast, email SponsorsForYourPodcast@gmail.com
Bean Bag Chairs want to sponsor you so bad!
And they said they would send you a product demo, but you already tried it in the “Chill Out” corner of your elementary school library?
Confidence™ is happy to sponsor your podcast, but it wont be paying for it.
It knows it’s a Value Add.
House Plants would love to sponsor your podcast- they aren’t sure that your audience really “gets” their concept yet.
Voicemail is a motivated sponsor working aggressively to take back it’s share of the audio production industry.
Inflammatory Opinions
Bigotry has gotten a bad name in some circles, so its trying to get back into the nation’s good graces by sponsoring some fluffy sponsored content on your Podcast.
They’d looooove if you wove this DIY: Inflammatory Opinions clip seamlessly into your existing material!